Horses require specialized veterinary medical care by equine specialists. Please review the following pages for information regarding common conditions that affect horses as well as your horse's treatment options. Do not hesitate to contact your equine veterinarian with any questions.

  • Fractures

    Fractures, or breaks, can potentially occur in any bone in a horse’s body. Some types of fractures, however, are more common, especially among very athletic horses, such as racehorses. Causes of Fractures Fractures fall into several categories: An incomplete fracture (also known a “green stick,”

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  • Food and Nutrition

    From your point of view, as the caregiver, it is important to familiarize your horse with being handled-and of course, it is always gratifying to have a horse with a clean and smart appearance. Feeding your horse correctly is a vital element of effective horse care. A horse's natural grazing pattern

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  • Exerional Rhabdomyolysis (Tying-Up)

    Horse lovers have observed this frightening disease for centuries. It’s been called azoturia, tying-up, cording up, holiday disease and Monday morning disease; the last two names reflect that symptoms are sometimes observed after hard work followed by a period of rest. In the last couple of decades,

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  • Examining Your Horse

    Even if you fall in love with the horse, do not buy it before the animal has been thoroughly examined by a veterinarian with experience in performing purchase examinations. Long-time horse owners almost always have a veterinarian examine any animal before purchase and first-time owners should certainly

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