Horses require specialized veterinary medical care by equine specialists. Please review the following pages for information regarding common conditions that affect horses as well as your horse's treatment options. Do not hesitate to contact your equine veterinarian with any questions.

  • Limb Conditions

    Several disorders can affect the hindlimbs, forelimbs or hooves of horses. Some of these can lead to lameness or changes in gait. Hindlimb Conditions in Horses Stringhalt is a condition that causes the horse to jerk or hop, with the hind legs pulled up high before taking the next step. This results

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  • Ligament and Tendon Injuries

    Ligaments and tendons are important parts of the musculoskeletal system, which also includes the muscles and bones. Together, all these components provide support for the body and enable the horse to move and exercise. Tendons are very tough bands of connective tissue that connect muscles to bone. Tendons

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  • Immunodeficiency Disorders

    Immunodeficiency disorders in horses are rare conditions that prevent the immune system from protecting the horse against viral, bacterial or other types of infections. These disorders can affect different parts of the horse’s immune system. They may be present at birth or develop later on in the horse’s

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  • Kidney and Liver Problems

    Horses are rarely prone to kidney or liver problems. Damage to both organs is much less common in horses than it is in cats or dogs. However, some aging horses do suffer from progressive and irreversible diseases of the liver or kidneys. Unfortunately, problems with these organs are seldom diagnosed

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  • Where Do You Look For a Horse?

    A good place to buy a horse is the stable where you ride or plan to keep the horse. The stable owner has an interest in keeping you satisfied, and knowing your abilities and temperament he or she can suggest a suitable animal. Riding instructors are also good agents for locating a suitable horse since

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