• Breeding

    Breeding horses is a complicated topic, but this quick overview will provide you with enough information to talk with a breeder or your veterinarian about breeding your horse. Role of the Stallion A stallion is a male horse that has not been castrated. The stallion’s role in breeding is to provide

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  • Barns to Pastureland

    If you are to get the best from your horse, it is vital that you provide him with a happy, comfortable and safe home environment. This applies whether he is kept in a horse barn or in a field. As a general rule, a particularly fine-coated horse, or one that is in hard work, needs to be stabled during

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  • Bacterial Infections

    There are many types of bacterial infections that can affect your horse. If you notice symptoms of any of the following common types of bacterial infections, contact us, so we can examine your horse and provide appropriate treatment options. Anthrax is a bacterium that forms spores, which allows it to

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  • Aural (Ear) Conditions

    If you’ve ever marveled at the responsiveness of your horse’s ears — the way they prick up for tiny sounds or flatten when it feels in danger — you realize how important these structures are for processing information and communication. Without good hearing, your horse will miss your vocal cues. Horse

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  • Arthritis and Degenerative Joint Disease

    Arthritis has several names — degenerative joint disease, osteoarthritis — but, whatever you call it, your horse has stiff and painful joints. This common chronic condition often affects older horses, as the cartilage around their joints deteriorates, especially around their knees, coffins, fetlocks,

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6:00 pm-8:00 pm


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