• Advances in Equine Breeding & Assisted Reproduction

    Assisted equine reproduction has opened up new possibilities in the equine sporting community for horses where this was once limited. With the help of your equine veterinary specialist you can determine if your horse is an ideal candidate for this process either to become artificially inseminated or

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  • Preventing Thrush in Horses

    Thrush is a bacterial infection, and one of the most common diseases, affecting horses’ hooves. You will likely know it when you see — and smell — it. The pungent, tar-like black discharge collects in the sulci, or grooves, along the sides of the frog, the triangular structure that covers about

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  • Select the Right Saddle

    The right saddle will make a significant difference for both you and your horse and ensure a safe, balanced and relaxing ride. Comfort is key; if the rear of the saddle is up after you cinch the saddle on your horse, or if the saddle wants to roll after you place it on, the saddle is not the correct

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  • Strategic Deworming for Equines

    If you are a long time horse owner, you may be familiar with traditional parasite control strategies. Traditionally, the most common parasite control approach called for horse owners to deworm their horse year round every six to eight weeks, rotating products. Alternatively, horse owners also could opt

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  • Why You Need to Keep Stalls Clean

    How often do you clean your horses’ stalls? Ideally, horse stalls should be cleaned every day and kept as clean as possible. Since horses often lie down in their stalls at night, this behavior means that if you are not keeping the stalls clean, horses could be lying in their own urine or manure –

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