• Cushing's Disease (PPID)

    Cushing’s disease (also known as pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction, or PPID) is the most common disease affecting the endocrine system of horses. This group of glands produces hormones that help keep the body in balance. With Cushing’s disease, an imbalance of these hormones causes several symptoms,

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  • Cryptochidism

    Cryptorchidism is a condition in which one or both testicles fail to descend into the scrotum. This is the most common problem affecting the sexual development of male horses. If both of the testicles remain in the abdomen, the horse will be sterile. Horses with an undescended testicle are sometimes

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  • Congential Defects and Disorders

    Horses with congenital disorders are born with physical or physiological abnormalities. These may be readily apparent, or may be diagnosed as the foal matures. Unfortunately, the list of possible congenital deformities is long. These anomalies may affect the heart, ears, eyes or skin. The autoimmune,

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  • Cancer in Horses

    While cancer is not as prevalent in horses as it is in humans, horses do get several types of this disease. Here are a few of the common types of cancer that a horse might develop. Melanoma Gray horses over the age of 15 are the likeliest candidates to get melanoma. Melanoma tumors originate from cells

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  • Bucked Shins

    Bucked shins is the common name for very small fractures on the front part (periosteum) of a horse’s cannon bones. These bones are on the lower part of the leg, and run between the knee and the fetlock joint below. Symptoms of Bucked Shins Bucked shins are more common in 2- to 3-year-old Thoroughbreds

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